Simple Steps to Stop Smoking
Acupuncture 5 times over the first 21 days can be of vital importance, balance the body-mind and calm cravings.
Herbal Medicine, such as Kava Kava and the Chinese Herbal Formula Ginseng Ophiopogonum.
Stress Relief Audio, 20 minutes a day.
“No-Such-Thing-As One-Last-Puff!!” It takes 21 days for the nicotine receptor sites to calm down. If you have just one-puff, it lights-up all the nicotine receptor sites and places you back at day one.
Yuk List 10 things I hate about smoking list them all and copy this list and post it at work, in your car, around your home. Keep conscious of the core reasons you are stopping.
Don’t let your intention go to sleep. Keep your Stop Smoking effort up in your conscious mind, don’t let your intention go to sleep, No Craving Lasts for ever. Have a strong resolve; wait-out the craving it will fade.
Do not allow unconscious sabotage. Like jumping in a car of smokers for a long journey, protect your efforts think ahead.
Clean out all pockets, drawers, and car anywhere you might be ambushed by a hidden cigarette.
Hot Bathes, Saunas and Steam. Open up the pores. Take a hot bath daily go to a steam or sauna help your body process out old-caked mucus that can hang around the lungs, this helps to improve lung function.
As soon as you stop smoking, the health improvements are immediate!
Within 20 minutes: Your blood pressure, pulse rate and the temperature of your hands and feet all return to normal.
Within 12 hours: Your blood oxygen level will have increased to normal, and the toxic carbon monoxide level will have dropped to normal.
Within 48 hours: Damaged nerve endings will have started to re-grow and your sense of taste and smell will have begun to return to normal.
Within 72 hours: Your entire brain and body will test 100% nicotine-free and all but 10% of the remaining nicotine metabolites will have been passed out of your body through your urine and stool. You can also expect that the symptoms of chemical withdrawal from nicotine will have peaked in intensity at about this time. Your bronchial tubes will also start to relax, and your lung capacity will begin to increase.
Within 10 to 14 days: Your body will have physically adjusted to being able to function without nicotine and the more than 3,500 other toxic chemicals associated with tobacco.
Within 2 weeks to 3 months: Your risk of having a heart attack has started to decrease and lung function will have significantly improved. Your circulation will also have substantially improved, walking and exercising will be significantly easier to perform and any chronic cough you may have had will subside.
Within 1 to 9 months: Any smoking related sinus congestion, fatigue or shortness of breath will have significantly dissipated. The cilia in your lungs will have re-grown and you will have experienced an increased ability to handle mucus to keep your lungs clean and to reduce the risk of infection. Your overall energy will also have increased.
Within 1 year: Your excess risk of coronary heart disease will have dropped to less than one-half that of a smoker.
Within 5 to 15 years: Your risk of having a stroke will be reduced to that of a non-smoker.
Within 10 years: Your risk of future death from lung cancer will have been cut to one-half (for a one-pack per day smoker) and your risk of cancer of the mouth, throat or esophagus will also be significantly reduced.
Within 15 years: Your risk of coronary heart disease will have become equal to that of a person who has never smoked.
*Disclaimer: The wellness information on this site is intended only for general informational purposes and not intended as medical advice or a substitute for advice from a medical professional. It has not been reviewed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. We encourage you to seek advice from a competent medical professional regarding the applicability of any recommendations, with regard to your symptoms or condition. If you are currently taking a prescription medication, you absolutely must work with your doctor before discontinuing any drug or altering any drug regime. No doctor-patient relationship is established between D’Arcy Wellness and you, by reason of your use of this site, or under any circumstances whatsoever. Individual inquiries about medical issues, or sensitive or confidential matters should be addressed to the appropriate health care professionals.