Program Tools
Introduction – Insomnia Relief Program
PowerPoint Presentation – Sleep: How to Get a Good Nights Sleep
Questionnaire – Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) Sleep Questionnaire
Article – What Happens to the Body When You Give Up Caffeine
Article – Sleep Tips
In 2014, the CDC (Center for Disease Control) declared sleep deprivation to be a public health epidemic. One in every two Americans experienced some difficulty falling asleep last year; one in three experienced insomnia on a regular basis. Some turn to over-the-counter medicines to help them sleep, while 10 million rely on prescription medicine. Many drugs that help induce sleep are not designed for long-term use, having serious side effects, leaving a hung-over feeling in the morning and further disrupting sleep patterns. Other surveys have found that 27% of Americans reported using complementary medicines for fatigue, and 26% have used them for insomnia. Close to 40% of American adults say that daytime sleepiness interferes with their daily activities for at least a few days a month, and about 20% say it affects their daily activities a few days a week, according to a 1998 poll cited in the study. The two main causes being psychological or stress induced and interaction of foods, drinks, medications.
You can empower yourself to learn natural ways to balance your life and nourish your sleep patterns slowly reducing dependency on harsh sleep pharmaceuticals.
Stress and Insomnia
Balancing the Sympathetic (fight or flight) and Parasympathetic (relaxation response) Nervous Systems, can have a profound impact on sleep. Learning how to produce a ‘relaxation response’, helps to turn off ‘fight or flight’ response and bring the body back to balanced pre-stress levels. Research has shown that regular use of a progressive relaxation audio daily, can produce a relaxation response, that can really help any health problem, that is caused or exacerbated by chronic stress such as Insomnia and many others.
The using Herbert Benson’s 5-week relaxation response program, produced remarkable results for insomnia patients... 100% of Insomnia Patients Reported Improved Sleep and 91% Either Eliminated or Reduced Sleeping Medication Use. (The American Journal of Medicine, Volume 100, pages 212-216, 1996.)
5-Week Stress-Relief Program. For a deep dive…consider doing the full program.
Relaxing into Sleep Audio. 20 minutes every day before bed.
Acupuncture and the Yin and Yang of Sleep
Acupuncture is a huge resource to relax and rebalance your nervous system and sleep cycles. To balance the Sympathetic nervous system (Yang) with the Parasympathetic Nervous System (Yin) is the basic truth of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for thousands of years of experiential wisdom. In Chinese Medicine, sleep and wake are viewed as yin-yang to each other. According to this, consciousness and waking are the result of yang energy rising to the head. Sleep is the result of the yang energy descending back to the core, after it has been used by the day’s requirements to be nurtured by the yin. During sleep, yang energy that has been depleted is nourished and revitalized to be used again upon awakening. The body’s yin and yang energy follow the light of the sun and ascend and descend according to the cycles of our planet that evolved us. In February 2018, a clinical trial study found acupuncture to be more effective than certain drugs types similar to those routinely prescribed for the treatment of insomnia.
Essential Herbal Support
Sleep-Ease, $35.99
Supports a natural, quality sleep*
Sleep-Ease is a classic, Traditional Chinese Medicine formula for famous for insomnia. It supports getting a good night’s sleep naturally, without dangerous side-effects. One in every two Americans experienced some difficulty falling asleep last year; one in three experienced insomnia on a regular basis. Some turn to over-the-counter medicines to help the sleep, while ten million rely on prescription medicine. Many drugs that help induce sleep are not designed for long-term use, and can have serious side effects, leaving a hung-over feeling in the morning, and work to further disrupt sleep patterns. This classic formula is widely used for insomnia, helps to calm nervous tension, promotes mental alertness, and relieves occasional sleeplessness - so you can get a good restful rejuvenating sleep.
Tranquil, $35.99
Calms the nerves and eases anxious feelings*
Anxiety is defined as “an unpleasant emotional state ranging from mild unease to intense fear.” Anxiety, however, differs from fear in that fear is a rational response to a real danger. Anxiety often lacks a clear, realistic cause, and thus results in a constant “free-floating” feeling of fear and worry. Tranquil is a calming formula that includes some world-class herbal stars. This classic Traditional Chinese Medicine formula is centered around Ziziphus, a popular sedative that calms the heart while nourishing its “yin”.
Nutrient Based Support
B Complex
Food to Avoid
Avoid caffeine, soft drinks, chocolate, coffee flavored ice cream, hot cocoa, and tea these are stimulants to be avoided.
Alcohol also can inhibit sleep by causing the release of adrenaline and impairing tryptophan transport to the brain. Avoid refined sugar products. If there is a history of hypoglycemia or diabetes, then nocturnal hypoglycemia maybe an important cause. A drop in blood sugar levels may cause sleep maintenance problems. Faulty glucose metabolism can be caused by overeating of refined carbohydrates. Good bedtime snacks would include whole grain cereal, oatmeal, wholegrain muffins or breads. These foods help promote sleep by increasing serotonin levels.
Recommended Reading
Why We Sleep, by neuroscientist Matthew Walker, MD
Within the brain, sleep enriches a diversity of functions, including our ability to learn, memorize, and make logical decisions. It recalibrates our emotions, restocks our immune system, fine-tunes our metabolism, and regulates our appetite. Dreaming creates a virtual reality space in which the brain melds past and present knowledge, inspiring creativity.
Other Considerations
Relaxation Technique
20 minutes a day – Many studies have associated insomnia with stress. 20 minutes of relaxation helps to switch-off the fight or flight response. In the S.N.S. this is extremely helpful for sleep problems of an emotional or stress origin.Time Management
Learn to manage your time more effectively. Learning to manage time more effectively helps us take control of one of the stressors of the cardiovascular system, anxiety and stress hinders the processing of cholesterol.Physical Exercise
30 minutes, 5 times a week – Making sure the body is tired at the end of the day through physical exercise, is also extremely important for good sleep hygiene.
*Disclaimer: The statements contained in this article have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.