Diet Detox Program: Lose weight and feel great, detoxify toxins and re-program eating habits over two life changing weeks.
Program Tools
Supplements: Support your body through the program.
SGS Brocco: Supports healthy Liver function and detoxification
Green Power: Concentrated greens from land and sea
Delphinol Formula: Supports stabilized blood sugar levels
Diet-Detox Test: Do I need to do the program? Take the test.
Diet-Detox Book: This program book guides you through, planning, preparation and recipes for 2 weeks.
Videos: We filmed a group going through the seminar in a studio.
Diet-Detox Powerpoint: This educational info covers 3 sessions over the two weeks of the Diet Detox seminar.
Relaxation Audio: A daily relaxation audio, is so helpful to manage of stress-eating.
This two-week program is designed to help you lose weight and detoxify.
Top 5 reasons people do our Diet-Detox:
Lose 5-10lbs
Physical and mental clarity
Get healthier skin and hair
Best digestion of your life
Improve your mood
Our medical elite tells us to eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day and that this alone will lower cancer rates in the U.S. by 40%! Yet, when we look at what we are serving our children in the schools of America, we can easily get the disconnect that, we as a nation, have around food. This has to change, and it CAN change...it can change in your circle of friends and within your circle of loved ones by making a change right now for yourself! We have seen many people on the typical all-American diet who start their change with this program and shift into the adventure of energy, weight loss, greater vitality and greater health.
You will find that by choosing the healthiest of foods you will gain increased energy, strengthen your immune system and find motivation to establish some healthy new eating habits. These healthy eating habits, are what will nourish you, going into the future.
We have run this program for over 30 years in our clinic. We now offer this life changing experience on-line or with one-on-one with our nutritionists.
We provide recipes, shopping lists and our decades of experience to make this detox as effortless and fun as possible.
The Diet Detox program thoroughly covers 3 sessions, over two weeks:
Diet-Detox table of contents, Preface / Introduction
Do you need to cleanse?
Our Amazing Liver
Health Studies
Why Organically Grown Foods
Food as Energy
TCM Perspective ~ Yin and Yang ~ Acid / Alkaline
Program Overview, Common Symptoms
Shopping List
Phase 1
The Liver Flush
Green Tea
Phase 1 Recipes
Phase 2 Recipes
Phase 3 Recipes
Recommended Program Supplements, SGS Brocco, Delphinol Formula, Green Power Drink.
Poems, Appendix, Organic Food Choices, Appendix, Broccoli Sprouts, Alkaline Food Charts.
*If you feel you would like to be guided through 3 sessions over the two weeks with our nutritionists, please call our clinic for an appointment 508-650-1921.